Why I Love Being In My Late 20s

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! I love birthdays because you just get so much love from old friends, new friends, strangers and everyone you love. It is that one day in the year you really get to appreciate yourself and celebrate being you and everyone knows I love to celebrate me all February. I was getting ill on the weekend so I did not have as much of a party but I shall make up for that this in the next few days 😊

Turning 28 hasn’t hit me as hard as when I turned 27 last year. I know age is nothing but a number, but 27 is a really shit number because it just feels like a late 20’s vibe. 28 however is still my late 20s and I am use to that now and to be honest, I had such a great year last year I cannot wait to see what this year has to bring!

aquarius season

I wrote this post on what I wish I knew in my early 20s when I turned 25. I love reading my old posts as it shows my personal growth (hopefully) and change in perspective. It also makes me realise that I made such a big deal about entering my late 20s and the horror when actually life has been so uphill since my 25th Birthday.

Continue reading “Why I Love Being In My Late 20s”

Signs That He Is An Undercover Wasteman/Player

It is my last week of being 27, oh my god I am 2 years away from 30 AHH.

In both of my girl WhatsApp group chats, I am the oldest or 2nd oldest, and with that comes a lot of responsibility as well as an extra year of experience and wisdom..

Like probably most girls my age, I have seen it all – the nice guys who are just too full on, the friend zoned guys, the not too bad but didn’t wow me guys, and the scums that walk this planet.

Meeting the different existing breeds of men made me learn that the way I treat someone also depends on how I feel about them. Continue reading “Signs That He Is An Undercover Wasteman/Player”