5 Signs To Know He’s The One

I’m back again with Love Talks With Mel(this might become a regular thing), I have been getting so much feedback that you guys like the lifestyle/relationship posts that you can relate to, so here is a topic that comes up in my group chats all the time.  It is crazy how each of us are so individual yet we have so many parallels in our lives that coincide. I live for discussions with my girlfriends because we all have different approaches and rationals when it comes to the dating sphere yet there are somethings we just all agree on too.

I was dating for almost two years before I met my “the one” so this post is solely based on my experience of the frogs I crossed to get to Prince charming. Disclaimer: I am not a dating expert, do not blame me if you meet the wrong one but saw all the right signs… 🙂

  1.  There Are No Games 

Continue reading “5 Signs To Know He’s The One”

Taking A Vacation While Protecting Your Budget

Flying was once an expensive luxury – indeed, the cost of a private jet is still very high, but there are ways that people can fly private for less than you might think, you just have to know what to look for. Thanks to changes in technology and oil prices, those of us seeking escapism, but for whom private jets are still out of our budgets, find that it is now easier than ever to board a plane to any number of destinations around the world. However, the trick here is to make sure you’re not paying more than you need to and to do that there are a couple of ideas to consider. Firstly, make the most of cheap flight gurus who are spending their times researching the best priced journeys around the world. Websites that once started small like Scott’s Cheap Flights and Jack’s Flight Club are now causing serious ripples in the travel market and helping travelers to be transported for less.

While money makes the world go round, it isn’t the only thing that makes your body work. So here we are going to look at some tips for making sure you can get on holiday this year without adding money-related stress to your trip. Continue reading “Taking A Vacation While Protecting Your Budget”

Do I Have Daddy Issues?

Millenial’s ( born between early 1980s and mid 1990s) are said to have the closer relationships with their parents than other groups. Information is shared, we are more open about relationships and challenges. Perhaps true but I am sure not everyone would agree. That being said, I am constantly looking at women who have a perplexed relationship with their fathers. Nowadays, to hear that someone’s parents are still together in a healthy, loving and committed relationship is rare. I think I know 4 people, in fact it is more normal to have separated or divorced parents in this day and age. And in most instances, the children then live with the mum and that is where my story begins. Continue reading “Do I Have Daddy Issues?”

Is Living with Good Friends Really A Good Idea?

Living in London is an experience, it is an amazing and vibrant city but making sure you are in the best living situation can be tricky. We all know that unless you live in a small box-sized apartment, live with your partner or are a millionaire, you are likely going to be sharing your house with others. I have had my fair share of drama in the past and there was a point where I was actually upset about living in London.

It just goes to show how important a comfortable home is and that is not just determined about how big your room is, what TV you have or what duvet keeps you warm at night (although I must say I am living my best life with my new feather duvet)! The people you live with make such a difference. Continue reading “Is Living with Good Friends Really A Good Idea?”

Finding Your Voice Abroad

We might be travellers throughout the course of our lives, and might absolutely love every minute spent acting in this way. But it can sometimes be that we never completely feel ‘at home’ in our new temporary environment, no matter how much we wish to see ourselves as an ‘Earth citizen.’ This isn’t so bad. Without the feeling of exotic adventure, we likely wouldn’t head to so many distant locales to see just what is beyond the horizon. After all, we often think that the world has shrunk due to satellite mapping and the ease of travel, but the world is the same size it always was, and will always retain the capacity to surprise and astonish you. If you feel travelling has become stale and boring, you’re likely not travelling as well as you could be. Continue reading “Finding Your Voice Abroad”

2018 Lessons That I Will Live By in 2019

The new year is here, anyone else feeling the hangover? 1st of January is always such a weird day, the streets are fairly empty, everyone is dreading work the next day after the long holiday break, and you just didn’t wake up with that New Year feeling!

The gyms will now be packed for a few weeks with the new year resolutionists. I think everyone is ready to eat more consciously and exercise after not giving a sh** for a week. I for one had a week long cheat day.

While I am not one for the “new year, new me” fad, I do like to take time to really reflect on the previous year, what I gained, what I lost and what it taught me. 2017 and 2016 were all about self love and healing, but 2018 allowed me to elevate that. Continue reading “2018 Lessons That I Will Live By in 2019”