The Iconic Angkor Wat & Cambodian Adventures

I ended the year 2017 finally getting to tick off a massive bucket list, visiting the Angkor Wat in Siem Reap, Cambodia. This is the majestic and more touristic version of the temples in Bagan, Myanmar but still a must see especially since the ancient building walls are slowly deteriorating and it is such a shame!

Angkor Wat means temple city and when you step foot on it’s ground you understand why this is one of the world’s largest religious artefact. What I hadn’t known was that the Angkor Wat complex was originally a worship house for Hindus and later converted by into a buddhist temple in the late 14th centuries

Another thing I had not known was that Angkor is the name of the city where the temple lies (no, it isn’t in Siem Reap), and prior to the industrial revolution, this was the biggest city in the world. It was also the capital of the Khmer empire in Cambodia. How does a country with such power and wealth succumb to being another poor, third world country visited by many well off tourists? A government that does nothing for it’s people comes to power…

But let me avoid the political rant.

When you walk into the large temple city, it is easy to understand why many are left in awe. To think of the extent of work that went into this architecture thousands of years ago with none of the machinery we have today, leave you speechless. As if the size wasn’t enough to impress, the walls are carved with religious stories of battle, heaven and earth and so much more.

angkor wat Continue reading “The Iconic Angkor Wat & Cambodian Adventures”

Self-Love On Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine’s!

The ones reading this probably aren’t going on a date tonight with that special someone or do not have a special someone. But guess what, grab a glass of wine and watch some shit tv (after you read this) and before you know it Valentine’s will be over ;p

The truth is, I use to get really excited for Valentine’s day. Continue reading “Self-Love On Valentine’s Day”

7 Reasons You Shouldn’t Visit Slovenia This Year

Slovenia, Slovenia… this country has become a more mentioned place amongst travellers then ever before. So with all the hype, I had to go see for myself why everyone loved this place. What is so great? I just don’t get it…..

slovenia alcohol

  1. The alcohol is too cheap

There’s always that snobbish though telling you that cheap alcohol taste shit. So you should really avoid going to Slovenia to be tempted by great tasting prosecco for only £3.

2.Slovenians don’t actually like Melaina Trump

How dare they not have any love or respect towards the first lady…..

  1. The unspoilt landscapes are so hard to get too

Continue reading “7 Reasons You Shouldn’t Visit Slovenia This Year”